Identification of Problem Related to Musculoskeletal Disorder Amongst Dentists: A Questionnaire Based Survey
Dentists, Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal disorder, work postureAbstract
Work-related impairment is caused commonly due to Musculoskeletal disorders in various professions including dentistry. Dentistry involves overstrained, awkward and prolonged static postures while performing extremely precise procedures in a limited workspace. Furthermore, due to the limited rest periods between two procedures, use of non-ergonomic chairs and nonavailability of required tools, dentists are more prone to Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs). WMSDs affect the functioning of bones, muscles, tendons, and joints. Study was focused towards identifying the problems related to musculoskeletal disorder among dentists, its related factors and their consequences. An online questionnaire survey was conducted. Questions included demographic data like gender, height, weight and professional data and data related to musculoskeletal disorders, their reasons and their consequences. The questionnaire was mailed to 100 dentists amongst which 79% responded. 60 out of 79 respondents reported excessive fatigue in the shoulders and neck. As a result of which 55% of dentists have reduced their working hours.