Ultrasonic Sensor Based Smart Stick For Visually Impaired Person Along With SOS Button


  • Ashish Wanode
  • Pranay Shete
  • Bharati Masram


Microcontroller (ATmega328P), Smart Stick, Ultrasonic Sensor


Visually impaired people realize it tough to sight the presence of any object or obstacle in their mean whereas they walk from one place to other during their day-to-day life. This paper shows the design and implementation of   smart stick for blind people. The feature available in this smart stick are detection of obstacle by ultrasonic sensor in 180 degree region using servo motor, detection of upward staircase and object at the bottom using ultrasonic sensor, detection of wet surface or water if present and for emergency purpose the GSM and GPS module are used to send live location coordinates ( Longitude and Latitude ) of the blind in the form of SMS to registered mobile number. This proposed system use the Arduino  (microcontroller ATmega 328P ) as a main controlling unit . The proposed system is capable of realizing all difficulties in front of the user, the smart stick is just like buddy to it ( i.e. like partner or friend ) ,gives faster response and power consumption is also  low as Li-ion Battery is used.



How to Cite

Ashish Wanode, Pranay Shete, & Bharati Masram. (2023). Ultrasonic Sensor Based Smart Stick For Visually Impaired Person Along With SOS Button. Engineering Research Transcripts, 2, 61–70. Retrieved from https://grinrey.com/journals/index.php/ert/article/view/49