Compliance of Vehicular Emission Norms in Kanpur City, India


  • Harshit Verma Department of Civil Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Nawabganj, Kanpur, India
  • Dipteek Parmar Department of Civil Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Nawabganj, Kanpur, India
  • Rajiv Ganguly Department of Civil Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Nawabganj, Kanpur, India



Air Pollution, Bharat Stage – IV and VI, Emission Norms


Due to the rising urbanisation, there are significantly more motor vehicles on the road, which has caused a huge increase in vehicle emissions. This study intends to determine the percentage of monitored automobiles in Kanpur, India, that abide by Bharat Stage-IV and VI (BS-IV and VI) emission criteria. For a four-month period in 2018, the transport department's pollution under control (PUC) certificate at a gasoline station was utilized for collecting secondary data on the tail pipe emissions of four and two-wheeled vehicles. Data from 204 automobiles was taken into account. The results revealed that, even though BS-IV norms had been in force since 2010, the PUC certificate given by the transportation department had taken the BS-III emission limitations into account, failing just 2 petrol fuelled four-wheeler vehicles. Almost all motor cars complied with BS-III emission standards, while just around 9% of four-wheelers failed the BS - IV test limits. Furthermore, it was discovered that 18.51 percent of two-wheelers failed to fulfil the BS-VI emission standards for the selected pollutants (combined CO and HC).  To assess the harm to human health posed by these tail pipe emissions, more investigation is needed.




How to Cite

Harshit Verma, Dipteek Parmar, & Rajiv Ganguly. (2023). Compliance of Vehicular Emission Norms in Kanpur City, India. Engineering Research Transcripts, 3, 33–40.